body language

The Number One Quality You Need to Share When You First Connect!

What do you notice about someone when you first connect? Whether you are listening or watching as an audience member, a meeting participant, or as part of a conversation live [...]

Do You Beat Yourself Up When You Try Something New? Shift Your Focus To Your Sage Brain

Welcome to YourCast! Insights, information and inspiration to increase your effectiveness as a leader and speaker! If you enjoy this, share it with your network! They can sign up at [...]

What to Do When You Fear You’re Losing Your Audience!

Some would say it’s easy to know if you’re connecting with your audience. They smile, nod their heads, laugh and look intensely interested in what you’re saying. Yes, that’s true. [...]

How Do You Make An Impression in One Minute?

You’ve experienced it. You’re at a networking event and each person has a minute or so to do an introduction. You watch as one by one, each person stands up, [...]

How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress by Releasing an Enemy Image!

If I were to ask you who the most difficult person is, in your workplace or greater community, I know you’d come up with someone, probably immediately. Maybe you’d have [...]

2020-08-25T04:09:52-07:00May 3rd, 2018|Dealing with Conflict|0 Comments
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