Thank you. It’s such a common phrase. You probably hear it every time you call your internet service provider, or take your car to the shop, or read it in the email you receive from an online company.

Do you believe they are really grateful? If you’re like me, I’m guessing you might not even register this as an expression of appreciation, but more as parting words.

In contrast, we definitely hear and feel a real expression of appreciation. We believe its genuineness, and both the giver and the receiver feel acknowledged and valued. When you incorporate appreciation into your presentations, it enriches everyone with the experience of goodwill.

Marshall Rosenberg, a brilliant and kind visionary who developed Nonviolent Communication (NVC), created a three-part sequence to express appreciation that truly connects with your audience, whether you’re speaking to one person or 500.

When you want to express your appreciation, tell your audience:

1. The actions that have contributed to your well-being
2. The particular needs of yours that have been fulfilled
3. The pleasurable feelings engendered by the fulfillment of those needs

By doing so, your audience can trust the sincerity of your gratitude. It also can make possible a deeper and richer relationship.

While you may vary the sequence, it’s important to include all three elements, and deliver them with a smile, of course!

As a speaker, you can incorporate this process into your presentation in a number of ways. For example: 

1. Thank your audience for their kind attention because that helps you address their needs and it feels wonderful knowing they are interested and engaged.

2. Thank your audience for their questions because that enables you to be clear and complete, which is part of doing a professional job and fulfilling your purpose for being there.

3. Thank your audience for attending your presentation because, quite honestly, it doesn’t happen without them. It’s a great relief, and fantastic plus when you get to share your information with a full house.

You can thank people individually at times, and also thank the group as a whole. Numerous opportunities will present themselves when you pay attention.

To get started, set your intention to express your appreciation at least once a day. By making this a regular part of your life, like brushing your teeth, it will become a natural part of your presence. Then, when you bring it into your presentations, you can watch how your audience opens up!

I’d love to support you! I can be reached at

Image courtesy of Flickr user Christos Loufopoulos