“If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do.”  Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize Winning Behavioral Psychologist

When I saw this quote, I thought, boy oh boy, isn’t that the truth?! So many of us think that to sound credible, we need to use lofty language when actually the opposite is true.

Using complicated language or jargon does not often serve us or our audiences. For example, we can fall into the habit of using the language of our industry with a broader audience. Instead of creating connection, we create distance and confusion. That’s not what we want! Let’s speak about our subject using a conversational approach — what I like to call, speaking human. This is a crucial skill for leaders and speakers — really anyone who wants to be understood.

Why is it important to speak human?

  1. The language of jargon is basically lifeless. While people in your industry might understand it, it generally doesn’t carry any “juice” in it. Think about it. How excited do you get hearing “legal litigation” or “financial justification.” Here’s one tip: if the word you’re using has “tion,” “sion,” “cion,” or any of those types of suffixes, you probably want to switch to an active verb and noun. Just sayin’.
  1. Speaking human helps build a stronger connection with your listener. It fosters understanding and trust. Alternately, speaking in complex language can make you sound out of touch, arrogant or insensitive.
  1. The language you use has the power to persuade and inspire. When you use language that communicates your human connection with your audience, you influence opinions and actions. You exert your authentic power.

I’m reminded of that Star Wars character, Admiral Ackbar, who shouted, “It’s a trap!” Next time you’re tempted to speak in jargon instead of speak human, remember that. It is a trap. Bring your authentic voice and power to create understanding whether you’re speaking to an audience of one or 100. They will appreciate it, and you will benefit from the increased positive connection!