pixabay-miniyoyo22-no attribution-379Audiences want us to be fabulous! Brilliant! At times, outrageous! They want to be informed, inspired and entertained. They want it all! And most people I know want to give that to them. They want to serve their audience to the utmost. They want to give their audience an experience.

So, what gets in the way?

The formidable comfort zone. That intangible but still very real thing that keeps us stuck and unwilling to try something new for fear of . . . what? Looking weird? Risking credibility? Failing, or maybe succeeding?

I’m not alone in confronting that comfort zone. Everyone I know does. I’m sure everyone you know does too, including yourself, yes? We each have our ideas about what is okay and what isn’t.

The beauty, and the tragedy, of the comfort zone is, we think it keeps us safe and in control. But does it?

When it comes to our presentations (and our lives, I might add), sticking to the tried and true can, nay I say will, become a barrier to our growth. Everything changes. Staying within our comfort zones will cost us opportunity and impact.

Consider these words from Robert Kriegel, author of If It Ain’t Broke . . . Break It!: “People intuitively understand that they need to try something new, to take a bold step. They know they must break out of their old way of thinking and responding.” 

To break out, and break through, that comfort zone and add spice to your presentation, I encourage you to consider adding creative expression and emotional engagement techniques.

In other words, bring theater into your speeches. Bring them to life through the very thing you have in your possession — your body! Use your facial expressions, your voice, your gestures, and your emotions. Use all of it to connect with your audience and give them a powerful experience.

Bring your stories to life through the power of your presence!

  • Go big when called for. Spread out your arms, raise your voice volume and pitch, exaggerate your facial expressions, move across the stage.
  •  Use your special talents. Do you sing? Juggle? Play an instrument?
  •  Use your “nonverbals.” You don’t have to say everything. Show and tell. When you do speak, make sure your emotional communication matches the words you’re using.

These are just a few examples of how you can spice up your presentation to give your audience an experience.

The key — take the risk and own it. Go for it. You’ll be glad you did, and so will your audience. I’d love to support you to break through your comfort zone and bring your presentation to life. I can be reached at Andrea@AndreaBeaulieu.com.