If you’re like me, sometimes, just sometimes, you forget the words you wanted to use when you are speaking or telling a story, or in my case, singing a song. In fact, I have lived in dread of forgetting the words, probably because it has happened so often. And, the older I get . . . well, let’s just say . . .  it happens.

Perfect case in point — the second song on this video. This is from my cabaret, Love Is Loud!, where I tell a number of stories and sing several songs. For some reason, I have a hard time remembering the words of this particular song — I’ve Lost the Right to Sing the Blues, by Karen Drucker. It is lyric-intensive.  What is a person to do?

Don’t sweat it. I spend a lot of time listening to songs, singing along with the recordings, and memorizing the words. I spend a lot of time with my speeches and stories getting familiar with the content, memorizing opens, transitions and closes, and rehearsing my presentation. After that, I don’t sweat it. You have to remember, no one else knows what you are going to say. The most important thing is to be okay with it yourself if it happens and others will go along. The most professional speakers, storytellers and singers forget the words! It happens.

I finally let myself off the hook a while back and decided to keep the lyrics on hand, just in case. I do the same thing with speaking — I keep my notes on the top of a lectern. I don’t stay behind the lectern, and I may never need them, but they’re there. My little security blanket. I don’t do this so much with story telling because stories are shorter, and it’s not imperative you use all the language exactly as you planned all the way through.

You know what else? Sometimes, when I forget the way I thought I was supposed to say it and “flub the lines,” what I end up saying is actually better! The universe — that higher intelligence — said it better than I could have!

The point is, whether you’re speaking, telling a story, or singing, have fun! That is what your audience will remember above all. You’re there to share your message, to inspire your audience, and to help them feel a little better than they did before they came. You’re there to put a smile on their faces, a new perspective in their minds, and a warm glow in their hearts.

Love and hugs,
