Many years ago, while coaching a client to create her success story, we encountered that part of the process I’ve come to know well — creative tension. While I knew the experience, I had never really thought of it in those terms. So, when she named it as creative tension, I then had a way to share this part of the process with others. It’s when you feel like you’re in nowhere land. You know what you want to communicate, and you’re capturing some ideas, but the story has yet to come together. It’s not clear.

As a speaking, story performance, presentation skills and authentic leadership coach and trainer, I’ve come to know this place well. I not only deal with it myself, I watch my clients navigate this tricky terrain on a regular basis. It can feel incredibly uncomfortable. Fortunately, I’ve guided enough people through this process that I’ve come to have great confidence in it. For those who have not experienced it, or at least not consciously, it can be a stretch!

So, what is this thing called creative tension and why is it valuable? How can you move through it when it shows up?

Creative tension is a concept developed by Peter Senge, a renowned systems thinker and the author of The Fifth Discipline. It refers to the gap between a person’s vision or desired future state and their current reality. It’s the discrepancy that exists between what we want to achieve and the present circumstances that hinder us from reaching that goal. Creative tension can serve as a driving force for personal and organizational growth. It moves us to explore new possibilities, and make changes to bridge that gap.

As a speaker, this is that point where you’ve looked at the relevant information, the points you want to make, your core message and your potential stories. Now, you’re deciding how you want it to come together. How do you open? What’s in and what’s out? How do you close? As a leader, creative tension enters the picture wherever that gap is between what you want to create and your current reality.

In my book, Finding Your Authentic Voice, I share seven steps to move through creative tension effectively:

  1. Get into the present. Part of what comes up for us is the desire to know, to be right, or to relieve ourselves of the stress. To deal with that, it’s essential to come into the present moment to quiet the mind chatter, which is often negative, and calm our nervous system. Mental fitness, mindfulness and meditation techniques are all ways to accomplish this. Whatever you choose, what’s important is that you do it.
  1. Know what you want to create or express. Clearly articulate and visualize your desired outcome. What would success look like? What is your intention? What are your goals and aspirations? What’s your core message? This clarity will help you understand the gap you need to address.
  1. Ask yourself how you feel and let yourself feel it. Listen to your heart and your gut. The key here is not to avoid your feelings, or wallow in negativity. It’s not about believing the story, but acknowledging your feelings and bringing empathy to yourself and any others involved. This includes embracing the creative tension. Recognize that creative tension is a natural and necessary part of the process. It is an opportunity for growth and improvement.
  1. Look at and accept what is to find your place of peace. Objectively assess your current situation, capabilities, and resources. Understand the factors that contribute to the existing state and the challenges that need to be overcome. If you notice you’re experiencing resistance to what is, ask yourself, what would it take for me to be in a place of nonresistance? Am I willing to let go of any judgment of myself or others? Am I willing to accept what is so I can find my place of peace?
  1. Shift out of normal to experience new possibilities. Do something fun! Do something out of the ordinary! This opens your mind up to possibilities.
  1. Pay attention to what happens within and without. What ideas are coming up? Make a game out of paying attention. Think of it like a scavenger hunt. Look for clues! Take notice of your thoughts. Note anything that seems connected in any way.
  1. Move with the energy that brings you joy. We have been taught, no pain, no gain. Nonsense. The best ideas are born of ease and flow. You’ll start to identify actions, strategies and alternative approaches. Start taking action to move closer to your desired future. Break down the journey into manageable milestones and celebrate progress along the way. This doesn’t mean you won’t face obstacles. You will. But when you see them and get innovative, you’ll start to experience momentum.

The creative process is magical. We are all creative beings. When you run into creative tension, know it is only temporary. The way out is through. Enjoy the ride and reap the benefits of creative tension.