Find your unique expression and engage your audience!

unique-flower-stereotyp-0815What compels an audience to listen to a speaker? To read an ad? To watch a video? It’s that “special something,” isn’t it? It that novel approach that takes you off autopilot, pulls you out of group think, and wakes you up. It makes the content interesting and energizing, so you pay attention.

Guess what? You have that “special something.” You have something unique to you that brings you to life in front of your audience. And, because you come to life while expressing it, you capture your audience’s attention. You reach across that great divide with your “it factor,” the quality every speaker, presenter and performer longs for.

As a member of your audience, when I experience that in you – that distinctive energy — it brings me to life too, and I like that!

Your special something could be a look, a talent, a skill, a way of moving, or a type of humor, for example. In the words of an old song, “the way you wear your hat, the way you sip your tea, the memory of all that, no no, they can’t take that away from me!”

As the song says, I will remember you for that genius way you have of expressing yourself. More than that, I will want to see you again so I can re-experience that joie de vivre! You

What is your special something? Your unique expression? Do you know? Would you like to find out?

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Image by: stereotyp-0815