do-they-believeOtherwise, you might as well stay home.

When you listen to a speaker, what litmus test do you use to decide if you are going to pay attention? Or if you’ll use the information? And assuming you’re interested in the topic, if you’ll even stay for the rest of the speech?

Believability. It’s essential. Without it, you feel you’re wasting your time.

As a speaker, how do you achieve it?

The obvious answer is knowing your material and being a credible source for that material. But is that all it takes?

I’ve worked with speakers who are absolute experts in their fields but didn’t appear believable. Why?

They didn’t know how to convey that believability through their presence on stage. They didn’t know how to “stand in their power.”

One of the things I often tell my clients is about the need to set their authentic intention before they speak. What do you want your audience to experience? What do you want them to walk away with? Why? What does this mean to you?

Getting clear on this paves the way to creating a real relationship with your audience, because your words become congruent with your energy and your body language. In other words, you become believable.

Check out the video here for more on how to get believable!

Image by Marco Bellucci